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Anonym Č.1846 [Otevřít]
jaglak jezus.mp4
(1.17 MB, 1280x720)
how many christians are in here? do Czechs tend to be religious or they don't give a shit anymore?
Odpovědi: >>1858
Anonym Č.1858
>>1846 (OP) Czechs are atheist as fuck. It's funny considering that we're the combination of Southern (Yankee POV) rednecks and the most xenophobic batshit insane whore drug alcohol cured meats degenerate fucking pigs. I mean, we're not as bad as the Chinese at racism, but by European standards we're horrendous. Especially if you talk about gypsies, holy shit. Never have I ever been exposed to any form of Christianity growing up except through tourism and seeing the occasional Jesus on a cross now and then. It's actually mind-baffling to see how ridiculously Christian Americans and basically everyone that isn't Czech is. In America or anywhere else you might be really edgy saying god is fake, but you'd get a shrug in response. Usually it's when you're religious that you're the odd one. We consider religious people, including Catholic Christians, the same way that we consider conspiracy theorist crackpots and fringe "alternative medicine" magic crystal astrologist crazy old ladies. We just take it as another superstition. But because Czechs have a very strong policy of mutual liberty and respect, also in part due to how fucked we know we all are so we aren't able to be mightier-than-thou, even if you do very crazy shit it is just taken to be a quirk you have and ultimately "I wouldn't advise you to do that, but you do you, furthermore I cannot speak". I remember for example in high school when I did weird shit I would just get "no comment" responses. At best people jest that if you would go really far with superstitions, including religiosity, you could end up at a psychiatrist, out of concern for your well-being.
Odpovědi: >>1864 >>1867

Anonym Č.1860
pepiki to ateiści

Anonym Č.1864
>>1858 >Especially if you talk about gypsies, holy shit That means you are based. I have a lot of this fucking human trash living in my area so I can say that anyone who is upset about this shit is right.

Anonym Č.1867
>>1858 who doesen't hate gypsies. dirty scammers are a problem in poland's major cities too
Odpovědi: >>1872

Anonym Č.1872
(24.77 kB, 382x382)
>>1867 Gypsys [s] specjalnie z dużej [/s] > polacks ps. testoviron miał racje
Odpovědi: >>1873

Anonym Č.1873
>>1872 w suumie cygan >cały dzień siedzi na dupie >nowe bmw i mercedesy, garniturki, ciuszki wyperfumowane, na cmentarzu grobowce jak kapliczki polaczek >cały dzień zapierdala w pocie czoła >ma gówno
Odpovědi: >>1881

Anonym Č.1881
>>1873 chyba cie popierdolilo typowy cygan nic poza smrodem nie ma a jego zajeciem jest oszukiwanie ludzi wokol z roznym skutkiem
Odpovědi: >>1882

Anonym Č.1882
>>1881 dziś widziałem cyganów z akordeonem na przystanku sobie grali i gitarach umilając ludziom czas, a taki polak to co najwyżej sie spierdzi jak przy tobie siądzie w jakimś MPK

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